Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Protection Insurance


Stance Summary:
In public protection "insurance" (Police), the rich generally pay the highest "premiums" (taxes).  The poor pay less to nothing.  The police are generally focused on the poor persons problems and thus the poor get most of the benefit (however crappy the protection is).  If this situation were put onto the semi-private car insurance that most of us own, it would mean that the rich people paid the highest premiums and had the highest deductibles, and the poorest people paid the lowest (or not at all) with the lowest deductibles.  Most people would see that situation as horrid, and unlikely to go over well.  They would see no incentive from insurance costs for the poor to drive carefully or to maintain their vehicles.  The rich would have little incentive to pay such high costs for little payout or little protection and may opt out if they can.  The accidents would probably increase because the cost of the accident is externalized in a manner unlike how private insurance currently maximizes profit.  As such, my stance on public protection (Police) versus private protection is to get completely rid of public protection and allow private companies to insure and protect citizens for profit.

Personal Actions Based on Stance:
None regarding insurance though I am a staunch believer in people protecting themselves.


Hans Herman Hoppe - The Private Production of Defense 


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